If you or someone you know, finds going to the dentist one of the last things they would think to do, then they could be a good candidate for a very easy and successful technique. We are talking about conscious sedation.
The idea of going to the dentist is enough to keep most patients from visiting. However, with oral conscious sedation, patients can obtain cosmetic and general dentistry services without feeling frightened or nervous.
Oral conscious sedation utilizes medication that is prescribed to patients to relax and calm them. It is given to them before their appointments and should be taken approximately one hour beforehand. Then, the patient arranges for transportation to their appointment, and will arrive conscious but very comfortable and calm. Patients will be awake during their dental appointment, and will be able to answer Drs. Mary Katherine Taylor and Mark Shircliffe, and the dental hygienist when questions are asked.

A walk in the park – a patient’s guide to Sedation Dentistry. Want to know a secret? It is what most people don’t know. Dentistry does not have to be painful or scary, what if you could enjoy your dental experience in complete comfort, what if you did not have to have multiple visits or rammer the sights smells and sounds? We will usually give you a prescription or sedative to take the night before your first appointment to guarantee a good night’s sleep and make sure you wake up relaxed. Also you should not eat or drink 6 hours prior to your appointment unless otherwise directed by your dentist.
Sedation dentistry – I tell everyone about it when they say ugh I don’t like to go to the dentist. It is like go to sedation dentistry it is no big deal they take a pill, and you are done! It is awesome. Sedation dentistry provides a dental experience like no other. Hours seem like minutes and recovery is a dream. He more common questions patients have about sedation dentistry is just how comfortable is it?
I recommend it, I really recommend not knowing what happened at the dentist the next day. Once you are completely relaxed and comfortable your sedation dentist will be able to work quickly and efficiently to perform larger amounts of dentistry and fewer visits and since sedation medications have an amnesic effect you will have very little if any memory of the sights smells or sounds of your visit making your visit feel short and sweet. Your sedation dentistry will work with you to maximize your insurance benefits and make convenient financial arrangements that will be as comfortable as sedation dentistry. It improved my life in so many ways, appearance wise to begin with but also I really see the correlation between good dental health and your overall health and I realize that I would
not be feeling as healthy as I do now if I had not gone in and if the sedation dentistry had not been available i probably would not have gone back in. so it is kind of hard to say where I would even be without it.
It is important to remember that dentistry has come a long way, countless years of research have been dedicated to studying and finding methods to alleviate pain and anxiety – these are safe and time tested options now available to ensure that you have a positive and painless experience. Talk to your dentist about your fears and concerns so they can better meet your needs. If you have questions not answered in this information please write them down and bring them with you to your welcome visit. Ask your doctor if you have any questions
After an appointment with oral conscious sedation, patients are transported home to rest. When they wake up, they are likely to have no recollection of their appointment whatsoever. This makes sedation dentistry a wonderful way for patients who have dental anxieties to get the dental treatments they need.
Patients who have mild fears of the dentist may benefit from traditional nitrous oxide. This is administered to patients via the nose as a gas, which brings about immediate relaxation. Those who have nitrous oxide sedation often relate the experience to feeling as though they have had a couple of glasses of wine. Nitrous oxide is also used for patients who have strong gag reflexes or need extended treatment time.
Dr. Mary Katherine Taylor has performed this technique for many patients and changed their lives. To get more information about conscious sedation dentistry and learn how it can help you or a loved one get the crucial dental care you need without all the fear and anxiety, call our office at (336) 606-0040 today.
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