Healthy Start System In Yadkinville Offers Children Effective Solution To Early Orthodontic Problems

Every parent wants the best for their children when it comes to oral health and overall wellness. At Virtue Dental Care in Yadkinville, we are committed to partnering with parents to provide biological dental services that improve the lives of our youngest patients, which is why we offer the Health Start System. Many common childhood problems, including snoring, tooth grinding, ADHD symptoms, bedwetting, nightmares, restless sleep, and difficulty in school can be a result of Sleep Disordered Breathing. The Healthy Start System is a non-invasive and natural way of straightening teeth while treating the underlying cause of these issues to give your child straighter teeth, improved bite, and a reduction in symptoms, all at a fraction of the cost of traditional braces.
Sleep-disordered breathing is a term that encompasses several sleep problems including sleep apnea, chronic snoring, and upper airway resistance syndrome. These problems make it difficult for your child to get a good night’s sleep and proper oxygen, which can contribute to daytime symptoms. During sleep, the body takes time and requires oxygen to rejuvenate which is vital to brain, mood, and metabolic function. When your child isn’t getting proper oxygenation, it can lead to the issues outlined above. The most common symptoms are:
- Snoring and Tooth Grinding
- Daytime or Nighttime Mouth Breathing
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
- Moodiness or Depression
- Aggressive Behavior
- Bedwetting
- Nightmares

The Healthy Start Program is a natural alternative to traditional orthodontics. Conventional braces are typically used once the child’s adult teeth have already emerged and the fibers which hold teeth in place have become stronger and more fully developed, which make moving the teeth much more difficult. Healthy Start aims to use the natural growth and development of the child at a much younger age in order to allow ample room for teeth and guide them into place as they emerge.
The Healthy Start Program is designed to be used early and can be useful in children as young as 2 years old. At this stage of development, your child’s jaw and airway are beginning to grow, so it only takes a small, gentle force to guide them in the right direction.
Children in the Healthy Start Program will use a series of metal-free appliances depending on age and development.
- Phase One – A habit-corrector appliance will be worn at night to stop any oral habits that can be detrimental to your child’s oral development and to promote proper nasal breathing.
- Phase Two – A series of custom-fit appliances designed specifically for your child’s mouth will be worn every night (and occasionally during the day) to help expand the arches, correct jaw dysfunction, and guide emerging teeth into proper position.
Our goal is to help all our younger patients develop healthy, beautiful smiles that will last a lifetime. To find out more about the Healthy Start System and if it’s right for your child, we invite you to call us at (336) 606-0040 to schedule a consultation.