We live in a go, go, go society. People are constantly overcommitted with work, children’s activities, social calendars, etc. Often, one of the first things to be “swept under the rug” is regular medical and dental visits. While making the time to visit the dentist twice yearly for your check-up can be hard with busy schedules, the truth is that it’s often far less time consuming to focus on preventing dental problems rather than just addressing them once they occur.
At Virtue Dental Care, we encourage our patients to maintain proper oral hygiene at home along with regular dental care in our office. This recipe for success can help ensure a beautiful, healthy smile for many years. To educate our patients about the benefits of regular dental care, we’ve put together the following list:
- It can help prevent cavities. Cavities are caused by a build-up of plaque on the teeth. Naturally occurring bacteria feed particles and sugars left behind from foods and drinks. When this happens, a sticky substance called plaque attaches to the teeth. If the plaque is not removed, it can begin to dissolve the tooth structure, leaving a hole in the tooth. Regular dental care allows us to monitor plaque build-up on the teeth and address it before it causes permanent damage.
- It can prevent tooth loss. Gum disease is the number one cause of adult tooth loss and it’s completely preventable. As gum disease progresses, damage is irreversible and can cause teeth to become loose and fall out. With regular dental care, gum disease progression can be stopped before it ever gets to the point of tooth loss.
- It can brighten the smile. Certain foods, beverages, and habits can lead to dull, stained teeth. Professional dental cleanings can help polish up the smile.
- It can improve your health. There have been proven links between oral health and systemic health. This means that by making your dental health a priority, you are also making your entire wellbeing a priority and lowering the risk of other health conditions.
At Virtue Dental Care, we welcome new patients into our office daily. To schedule your routine exam, please call our staff today.